ASCO电磁阀  8310

ASCO电磁阀 8310

ASCO电磁阀 8310


ASCO电磁阀  310系列

ASCO 310系列,也称为8310,是一种电磁阀,具有高流量阀体,可手动复位,以防止阀门意外启动。一旦跳闸,阀门只能手动复位。310系列是控制生物燃料和炼油等应用中关键工艺的理想选择。

The ASCO Series 310, also known as 8310, are solenoid valves that have high-flow bodies with manual reset to prevent inadvertent valve start-up. Once tripped, the valves can only be reset manually. The 310 Series is ideal for controlling critical processes in applications such as biofuels and refining.
