Dwyer A-471型 Capsuhelic®配套测量套件 流量传感器

Dwyer A-471型 Capsuhelic®配套测量套件 流量传感器

Dwyer A-471型 Capsuhelic®配套测量套件 流量传感器4000系列Capsuhelic®微差压表 最适合和DS-300流量传感器组合应用来显示流速或流量。它能耐压到500 psig的情况下还能精确测量低到0.5英寸水柱的差压,精度为3%。它能用于0到93.3摄氏度温度的环境中,可直接外部调整零点和量程。常用的信号采用铸铝合金外壳和流量传感器配合使用用于测量空气或油的应用场合。如


Dwyer A-471型  Capsuhelic®配套测量套件 流量传感器
4000系列Capsuhelic®微差压表 最适合和DS-300流量传感器组合应用来显示流速或流量。它能耐压到500 psig的情况下还能精确测量低到0.5英寸水柱的差压,精度为3%。它能用于0到93.3摄氏度温度的环境中,可直接外部调整零点和量程。常用的信号采用铸铝合金外壳和流量传感器配合使用用于测量空气或油的应用场合。如果需要测量水的流量,可选锻造黄铜外壳。当需要固定安装时,Capsuhelic®微差压表可表面安装或盘面嵌入安装。可选附件A-610管道安装板用于任何1-1/4" - 2"的水平或垂直管道上。


4000 Capsuhelic® Differential Pressure Gage is designed to give fast, accurate indication of differential pressures. The gage may be used as a readout device when measuring flowing fluids, pressure drop across filters, liquid levels in storage tanks and many other applications involving pressure, vacuum or differential pressure. The pressure being measured is held within a capsule which is an integral part of the gage. This containment of the pressure permits the use of the gage on system pressures of up to 500 psig, even when differentials to be read are less than 0.1 in w.c.