Dwyer 2000系列差压表

Dwyer 2000系列差压表

Dwyer 2000系列差压表指示正压、负压或差压、精度在2%以内Dwyer的Magnehelic®差压表当满刻度时可以获得2%以内的高精度,有超过81种型号可供你的需要选择。差压表采用Dwyer结构简单、无磨损的Magnehelic®运动部件,可迅速指示很低的空气或非腐蚀性气体的压力包括正压,负压(真空)或差压。其设计抗冲击,抗震,并具有抗过压能力。它没有压力表液体的蒸发凝结,毒性或位置问题;并


Dwyer 2000系列差压表

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精度:满刻度为±2%(-0,-100PA,-125PA,10MM范围为±3%; -00,-60PA,-6MM范围为4%),整个温度范围为70℉(21.1℃)时

额定压力: -20" Hg.至15 psig. † (-0.677 bar至 1.034 bar); MP中压可选:35 psig(2.41 bar);HP 高压可选:80 psig(5.52 bar)

过压保护:大约25 psig(1.72 bar)时,泄压塞打开,仅仅标准型差压表

温度范围:20到140℉ *(-6.67到60℃)


连接:1/8"FNPT阴螺纹,两对高低压接口 - 侧面、背面各一对。

重量: 1 lb 2 oz(510克),MP和HP重为2 lb 2 oz(963克)


*. 低温型号亦可提供

†. 用于高频压力变化场合,建议用更高额定值的产品。见高压和中压型号。

Dwyer 2000Series   Magnehelic Differential Pressure Gages
Indicate Positive, Negative or Differential, Accurate within 1%
Select the Series 2000 Magnehelic Gage for a versatile low differential pressure gage with a wide choice of 81 models and 27 options to choose from. Using Dwyer’s simple, frictionless Magnehelic gage movement, it quickly indicates air or noncorrosive gas pressures--either positive, negative (vacuum) or differential. The design resists shock, vibration, over-pressures and is weatherproof to IP67. Select the -HA High Accuracy Magnehelic Gage option for an accuracy within 1% of full scale, located below in the Product Configurator. Also included with the –HA option at no extra cost are a mirrored scale overlay and a 6 point calibration certificate.